Chiropractic Blogs

Boost Your Metabolismwith these Foods in Turlock

This may be unfortunate news for some, but your metabolism is partly ruled by your genetics. However, the good news is that genetics don’t always conquer all other aspects… like your diet perhaps! Do not fear, you may have inherited your family’s ridiculously slow metabolism, but you don’t have to be stuck with it! You can rev up your metabolism naturally by eating right in order to increase your body’s fat-burning power!

Imagine that there was an aisle in the market that was clearly labeled “Metabolism Boosters”! Do you think you would find things like soda, cake, pizza or ice cream on that aisle? The answer is no!

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Chiropractic Care Improves Type 1 Diabetes in Children Turlock

The Diabetes disorder can be defined as an auto immune condition of the body where one’s immune system attacks the Beta Cells of the pancreas which produce insulin. The unfortunate fact is that in the United States alone, over three million people suffer from Type I Diabetes. A UK study showed that Type I Diabetes had doubled in children between the years of 1985 and 2004. Europe and the United States proved similar results.

There are many factors that can be causing this sudden increase in Type I Diabetes in children. Including: Exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, and household cleaning agents and Food allergens such as pasteurize cow’s milk, gluten, processed soy, peanuts, and eggs.

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Does fasting have health benefits? | $Chiropractor Turlock CA

Much research suggests that fasting from time to time can cleanse the body, rid it of toxins, and assist in better overall body function. Many chiropractors and other holistic medical professionals recommend fasting from time to time. On the other hand, there are many critics who are against fasting, believing that it starves the body and that sleeping is enough time to in between fueling your body so that your digestive system can get the rest in needs to function best. So, who is right? Who should we believe?

For centuries, people have practiced the art of fasting, whether it was to drop a few extra pounds or for religious and/or therapeutic reasons. When you fast, you voluntarily abstain from all substances (except water) for a certain amount of hours or days.

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Health Benefits of Iron | Chiropractor Turlock CA

Iron is a well-known mineral found in every cell of the body. It is considered an essential mineral because it is needed in order to make part of your blood cells! The human body requires iron in order to make the oxygen-carrying proteins such as hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin is liable for carrying oxygen from your lungs and transporting it through your entire body. It represents about two thirds of your entire body’s iron! Meaning, if you do not have enough iron in your body, your body cannot make enough healthy oxygen carrying red blood cells. When this happens, it called iron deficiency anemia.

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Healthier People Drink More Water in Turlock

Did you know that dehydration is one of the leading causes of obesity and sickness? At Turlock Family Chiropractic, we’d like to discuss a few diseases and health matters that can be prevented, or improved, with proper water intake. You wouldn’t believe what a simple thing to be more aware of can do to improve your system! Water is the most vital source of energy for the body. Dehydration causes the body to slow down, which can lead to extreme fatigue.

Remember, your blood is 92% water, your bones are 22% water, and your muscles are 75% water! It’s more important than you think to stay hydrated! If you are looking to improve your health and learn more about proper nutrition

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Healthy Ways to get Energized in Turlock

There are many ways to get your energy back! Studies show that 9 out of 10 people want more energy, but they don’t think they have the time or resources to get it. Want to know a little secret? You have both! Let’s drop the “quick fixes” that only create temporary results. We are thinking long term here… And it starts with Cortisol.

Cortisol is your stress hormone. It needs some maintenance, upkeep, and a bit of love! With the stress you may be feeling on a daily basis, your Cortisol levels could possibly be in over drive at this point. Cortisol levels are important to boost your mood, weight, sex and energy hormones. Being more energized can improve your overall lifestyle so much.

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In Office Stretches for Better Health in Turlock

You’ve heard it all before, about how sitting at your desk all day is bad for your overall health. Still, you can’t just up and quit your job… You know, the one that requires you to sit and stare at a screen for about eight hours? That’s a long time and in the long run, it can really take a toll on your health. In fact, sitting at your desk all day is the main contributor to weight gain, increased cholesterol levels, and heart disease. Don’t worry though! We’ve come up with a few quick exercises that you can do right at your desk. These exercises will keep you moving and stretch out your muscles, helping to avoid aches and pains from keeping your body in a neutral position all day!

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Migraine Triggers and Treatments in Turlock

In the United States alone, more than 37 million people suffer from migraines. Many of these people have no idea what is triggering their migraines or how to help prevent or treat them. Stop letting your migraines be a mystery. In the article, we will discuss the different stages of migraines, their causes, and your treatment options.

If you are wanting to conquer your migraine pain and help prevent your migraines, there are many ways to do so. Find ways to de-stress your body, relax, and get enough sleep. Make sure you are drinking enough water and not dehydrating yourself. Try a diet that will assist you in eliminating migraine causing foods. Make a list so you can keep track of what you ate that day, how it made your body feel, and whether it cause a migraine or not.

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Anti-Depression Care in Turlock

When summer begins to say farewell, we start to notice how the days get shorter. The sun goes down earlier and without that extra vitamin D, you may be experiencing feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety. Try not to freak out with the loss of sunlight! There are many steps you can take in order to improve your current mood, including reducing depression and improving your mental health without the use of antidepressants. (Always consult with your doctor before taking yourself off of any prescribed medications)

The first being exercise. If you are feeling a little down, do yourself a favor and go for a walk, hike, hit the gym, or something else along those lines. A Harvard University study found that exercise is just as effective as Zoloft (an anti-depressant medication).

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Natural Food Remedies for ADHD in Turlock

When summer begins to say farewell, we start to notice how the days get shorter. The sun goes down earlier and without that extra vitamin D, you may be experiencing feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety. Try not to freak out with the loss of sunlight! There are many steps you can take in order to improve your current mood, including reducing depression and improving your mental health without the use of antidepressants. (Always consult with your doctor before taking yourself off of any prescribed medications)

Although it is not promised that your child’s ADHD can go away, these foods can help deter some of the difficult symptoms your child may be facing. If you are seeking exercise, nutrition, regular chiropractic adjustments and other lifestyle tips that can help you and your child adjust to life.

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